Twitter bots
Cut-ups, bricolage, text (& world) manipulation
The Incredible Automated Dada Poetry Machine (automated online cut-ups)
Dissociated Press (Markov chain-based text "generator")
JanusNode - downloadable text manipulation program, mostly Markov chain-based, but with more flexibility
Text Mechanic - various little text manipulation gizmos (see also all-in-one Text Manipulation Notepad)
Other tools
Twine - free tool to help you create non-linear stories (and do other things) ... use Twine 2 on the Harlowe setting - lets you put your Twine creations online so others can experience them
Hootsuite - lets you bulk buffer tweets (first month membership free)
Bernadette Mayer's list of writing experiments
Wordnik - definitions, word lists, sample sentences, etc., with an API for the techie & intrepid
Undum - another useful framework for creating non-linear stories
Generative literature: some precedents
John Clark's Eureka machine (c.1845)
John Peter, Artificial Versifying (1677) - available through Early English Books Online
Juan Caramuel y Lobkowitz, Metametrica (1663) - available through Google Books
Zairjas, Volvelles, Lullian Circles (Abu Rayhan Biruni, c.1000?)
Homolinguistic, homophonic translation
Howard L. Chace, Ladle Rat Rotten Hut
Bad Lip Reading
Charles Bernstein, 'From Basque'
Ian Patterson, The Glass Bell
Chris Tysh, "Acoustic Room"
Sometimes used in a more localized & fragmentary way. It's always something to look out for in any contemporary translation work with an experimental bent. Cf. e.g. Sean Bonney's Baudelaire translations.
Some other specimens
Computer-generated poetry attributed to people (a little context):
Stephen McLaughlin & Jim Carpenter (eds.): Principal Hand Issue One (2008)
Stephen McLaughlin & Jim Carpenter (eds.): Principal Hand Issue Two (2008)
Manifestos, criticism, history, theory, etc.
Vladimir Mayakovsky, How Are Verses Made?
Francois Le Lionnais, Oulipo manifestos
Whitney Trettien, Computers, Cut-Ups, & Combinatory Volvelles: an Archaeology of Text-Generating Mechanisms
Jon McCormack, Oliver Bown, Alan Dorin, Jonathan McCabe, Gordon Monro and Mitchell Whitelaw, 'Ten Questions Concerning Generative Computer Art' (2012)
Sandy Baldwin, A Poem Is A Machine To Think With (review-essay about Loss Pequeño Glazier, Digital Poetics: The Making of E-Poetries)
Some bits & pieces that came up in the workshop, and some related stuff
Vanessa Place's Gone With The Wind bot (I was wrong in the workshop: it was the whole book that was being tweeted, fragment by fragment). See also Alice Randall, The Wind Done Gone (2001).
@Horse_Ebooks, a spam bot which gained a cult following, and was purchased from its original creator by someone who has attempted to intervene in the bot's behavior, and re-contextualize it, to turn it into a conceptual art project.
"What The Electoral College Map Would Look Like": a brief history at KnowYourMeme.
The "magic circle" in game design theory. (This is an article by Eric Zimmerman saying, "Please stop criticizing the idea! We never meant it that way in the first place!")
Richard's pizza thing, implemented in Twine, or on Twitter using Cheap Bots Made Quick (see the underlying code here).
Tutorial on how to make a pic-posting bot (I haven't tried it yet).
A Walk in the Woods
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